Tuesday, 29 September 2015

TurCom Software -- Run Highest Boiler Efficiency in Direct Method

TurCom Software

Welcome to the world of Boiler Operations.

Introduction : There are 27 distinct Boiler Operation combinations that can be derived from

1) One PA or FD fan, One SA fan & Wind Box Pressure, for CFBC Boilers
2) One PA fan, One FD fan & Wind Box Pressure, for AFBC Boilers
3) One FD fan, One SA fan & Wind Box Pressure, for FBC Boilers
4) One FD fan, One SA fan & Wind Box Pressure, for Stoker Boilers

PA fan can be operated as PA Exact, PA High, PA Low
FD fan can be operated as FD Exact, FD High, FD Low
SA fan can be operated as SA Exact, SA High, SA Low
WBP can be operated as WB Exact, WB High, WB Low

Only one combination PA Exact, FD Exact, SA Exact & WB Exact is the right combination, in consideration to the input fuel density & this combination produces, the 3T (time, turbulence & temperature) alignment.

All other combinations do not align the 3T's. Most of the other combinations either produce excess air or flue gas velocity or deficient flue gas velocity.

Only in 3T condition the following results are possible
1) Highest Efficiency in the Direct Method
2) Lowest LOI
3) High reaction efficiency of Carbon & Oxygen
4) Real or true excess air in the stack
5) Lowest consumption of Coal or biomass
6) No adjustments needed for Coal or Biomass CV or their quantities to match the Indirect Method Efficiency
7) Very low erosion for FBC, AFBC & CFBC boilers
8) Perfect air & flue gas velocities
9) All thermal zones take their place (no zone shifts)

Do the DCS or any other software which is available today, measure the 3T's ?

No.They dont. The DCS's today are offer more functional control rather than give a picture of what's right or not in the system.

The 3T's has been a Boiler operation concept for very long time, many times heard in lectures & never ever in operational experience or assessments.

TurCom, gives you that strength of 3T alignment, what is missing out in the entire Boiler operation & knowledge spectrum.

TurCom Introduction : TurCom is a software which calculates the 3T's alignment or misalignment & then guides the operator for adjusting the fans & WBP to deliver the objectives.

Advantages of TurCom :
1) No learning curve or experienced operators required for operations
2) Boiler is very stable
3) Lowest LOI
4) Operation flexibility of fuels
5) High Efficiency in the Direct Method
6) Low erosion as excess or deficient air or flue gas velocities are corrected
7) Straight advisory
8) Lowest costs in energy as every calorie the fuel offers is extracted

TurCom is available as 3 options
a) Consultancy
b) Software Installation
c) Software Installation + proof of performance

If you have any questions, please write to sap@chargewave.in

PS Anand Prakash

O2 in Stack, True or False value ?

Oxygen Measured in Boiler Stacks -- Is the captured value true or false ?

Consider the Reaction C + O2 --> CO2, the following conditions are available in the furnace

Condition     Carbon         Oxygen          Carbondioxide      Reaction

       1             Reactive          Reactive           100% probability      Successful

       2             Reactive          Non-reactive     0% probability         Fail

       3             Non-reactive   Reactive            0% probability         Fail

       4             Non-reactive   Non-reactive     0% probability         Fail

In the boiler furnace only 25% probability exists for a successful carbon & oxygen reaction.

What if conditions 2, 3 & 4 are present in the furnace, then the following is probable

a) Carbon showing up as LOI
b) Reaction failure O2 shows up as a component of excess air

Hence the indication of O2% in stack, may not be true if the reaction conditions are not examined & also if LOI is present.If LOI is present, the fact is that there is reaction failure O2 showing up as excess air.

So, what is excess air now ?. True excess air is obtained only when the LOI is near zero, till then it is only a mixture of excess air + reaction failure O2.

How do we achieve true excess air ?
Can be achieved by synchronizing 3T's, time, turbulence & temperature.
In 3T alignment, the reaction condition 1, prevails.

There are 27 types of Boiler Operation combinations considering
1) PA or FD Fan, SA Fan & WBP for CFBC boilers
2) PA Fan, FD Fan & WBP for AFBC boilers
3) FD Fan, SA Fan & Bed thickness for Stoker boilers
4) PA Fan, FD Fan & WBP for PF boilers

In 26 Boiler operation combinations conditions, improper reaction conditions reign & reaction failure O2 shows up as excess air.

How to recognize, that the O2% indication is true excess air ?
         1. LOI is near zero for CFB & PF boilers
         2. LOI is < 2% for AFBC & FBC boilers
         3. LOI is < 4% for Stoker Boilers
         4. Direct Method efficiency is 1.5% to 2% less than Indirect Method Efficiency
         5. No adjustments made for CV of coal, Coal quantity or Steam quantity & real data has been considered
         6. 3T's are in alignment

If you have any questions on the same, write to me at sap@chargewave.in

Thanks for reading

PS Anand Prakash