Friday, 2 October 2015

Efficiencies terminology & Questions for Boilers

Important Efficiencies & what they represent.

Thermal Efficiency : Thermal Capture or heat capture efficiency of the Boiler. It determines the heat exchanging efficiency in the Boiler.
Verified by the Loss method & 100 minus Losses = Thermal Efficiency

Fuel to Fluid Efficiency or Boiler Efficiency : It is energy input by heat vs. what is converted to steam.

Output / Input %, verified by the Direct Method

Output is Steam MT * Steam Net Enthalpy
Input is fuel CV * fuel quantity

Reaction Efficiency : Efficiency of C, O2 reaction or Efficiency of the reaction conditions (turbulence) created by operations

Combustion Efficiency : Efficiency of how much fuel is consumed in the furnace & what is left over.
100 minus LOI = Combustion Efficiency

Design Efficiency : Efficiency of the Boiler by Design, for design fuel, design air, design air & flue gas velocities, design conditions of all aspects in operation

Most important of the above are represented in ascending order below

1. Design Efficiency
2. Reaction Efficiency
3. Boiler Efficiency
4. Combustion Efficiency
5. Thermal Efficiency

There are others, however for Boiler Operations, the above are good enough.

Thermal Efficiency & Boiler Efficiency are similar & equal ?

No. Thermal Efficiency assumes 100% energy is generated & measures losses, it is more representative of heat exchange or heat absorption capacity of the boiler. 

Boiler Efficiency, measures the actual heat generated vs. heat absorption. It measures the reaction condition side of the Boiler.

Thermal Efficiency is more or less constant in any operation load of the Boiler & seldom changes.

There are 27 distinct turbulence conditions that can be created in Boiler Operations.

Thermal Efficiency is constant in all the 27 conditions, irrespective of the operation load.

Boiler Efficiency varies in 26 conditions, as reaction conditions created change. Boiler Efficiency is load dependent, lower the load, lower the Efficiency & only > 75% loads, only all thermal zones get loaded & Boiler starts to operate in higher efficiency.

Only in 1 operational (3T) condition, the Boiler Efficiency is close to Thermal Efficiency & also Design Efficiency, however the operation load has to be > 75%.

This also means that in 26 conditions, energy generated is far less than the potential of the fuel.

If every calorie offered by the fuel is your target, Boiler Efficiency method is the Key to identify which of the 27 conditions, the Boiler operates & correction is possible.

We offer consultancy for Boilers to identify & bring the operation to the 27th condition.

For any comments, write to


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