Thursday, 1 October 2015

Fuel Additives -- Are they necessary ?

What are Fuel Additives
Fuel Additives are organic or inorganic chemical formulations mostly employed for the LOI reduction, clinker problems, reducing O2 in combustion, in Boilers.The formulations come in as liquids & powders or even as sticks.

What is the role & function of Fuel Additives in combustion ? Actually speaking none.

Boiler Operation Types
There are 27 distinct Boiler operation types, methods or conditions.
Out of these 13 cause higher flue gas or air velocity, another 13 cause deficient flue gas or air velocity. The 27th condition is where the flue gas velocity is neither higher or lower, it is exact.

Air or Flue gas velocity impact
Increased air velocity ejects the fuel out of the system & deficient air velocity produces un-burnt carbon. However both get classified as LOI.

How to check air velocity ?
When the LOI is segregated & checked for Volatile matter presence, the air velocity behaviour can be verified.

If the LOI shows VM presence, the boiler is working with higher air velocity & is ejecting the fuel out.

If the LOI shows no VM presence, the boiler is working with deficient air velocity.

For boilers where switching between high load & low load is frequent, the VM presence will be 50-50, means present in some samples & absent in some samples.

Fuel Additives -- Limitations
Fuel Additives can perform some what in the 13 conditions where there is deficient flue gas velocity. Deficient air velocity produces Fixed Carbon, no volatile matter ash which require higher combustion temperature.

However in the rest 14 conditions, there is no effect of Fuel Additives whatsoever.

If the Boiler employs a fuel additive and there is some result attributed, then the possibility is that the operation is of deficient air velocity types.

Clinker Problems -- the Truth & the Story
The ash fusion temperature, chemistry of fuel, ash, iron etc, causes clinkers is a good story. The truth is that deficient air velocity can only produce clinkers.

Deficient air velocity operations, produce Fixed carbon in Ash & also have clinker problems.

Deficient air velocity is produced by increased bed height or bed thickness, improper settings of PA, FD.

Clinker formation is caused primarily due to low FD or PA pressure & increased bed height.

The heat energy is like water, it flows. When the flue gases cannot pick up the heat due to low velocity, the heat flows to the ash & forms clinker.

The only heat carrier in the boiler is the flue gas only & it has to flow quite clear.

In some cases, the bed volume itself is very low, however the operating load of the boiler will be higher, meaning lower bed volume handles more heat energy, when load drops & heat has no flowing opportunity to water side, it flows to fuel and causes clinker.

I have solved many clinker formation problems in CFBC, AFBC, FBC, Manual fired boilers, by correction of bed thickness & air pressure.

Lowering O2% while using a Fuel Additive
Some Fuel Additive formulations have O2 releasing compounds, which release O2 or nascent Oxygen. The density of the flue gas is a very important parameter in heat carriage. If the density is higher, it carries more heat & vice versa.

When O2 is reduced due to Fuel Additive usage, the results may be good for Indirect Method assessment, which shows increase in Efficiency, however the reaction conditions will take a good beating, along with flue gas density.

Many times, reducing O2%, only will cause increase in fuel consumption & lower Direct Method Efficiency.

Where there is measurement of fuel, the activity of lowering O2% can be discarded, as the effect of increased consumption can be noticed.

However where is no measurement of fuel or the installation follows Indirect Method, the real effect cannot be known till very long time, as there is no counter check or verification.

Do Fuel Additives reduce fuel consumption ?
If there is LOI, due to deficient air velocity operations, Yes to an extent of 0.2 to 1%, as per the scale of LOI occurrence.
In all other cases, they have no effect

Fuel Additives are Combustion Catalysts ?
The Combustion reaction itself, happens very quickly. Catalyzing already an over speeding reaction only worsens the case. 
When already the combustion is suffering, employing a catalyst, only increases the suffering.

Will increased reactivity improve the combustion ?
Yes. Only in 3T condition. A Fuel Additive cannot produce a 3T condition.
3T condition is a physical reaction environment condition produced by fans, WBP & fuel

Not at all. Only correction of reaction conditions is required, which takes care of every thing.

How to eliminate Fuel Additives usage

Fuel Additives are only needed when there are incorrect Boiler operation which cause deficient air or flue gas velocity. 

Deficient air velocity correction or boiler switching to 3T operations, eliminate usage of Fuel Additives, once & for all.

In 3T condition,
1. the air velocity is exact, therefore raising the reaction efficiency of Carbon & oxygen
2. high reaction efficiency conditions or environment exists, the LOI is automatically near zero
3. the air pressure is right, the clinker formation also gets eliminated

Fuel Additives are not needed, however become compulsive due to improper operational issues.

The above information is for solid fuel fired boilers.

For Oil fired & Gas fired Boilers
Turbulence correction or 3T operation, eliminates all the combustion issues

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